Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Two iconic rides, one short week

This week was a huge one for me!

On Thursday a team mate and I rode to the top of Mt. Diablo. This has been a dream of mine ever since I saw that peak looming over the East Bay. The trip from my house is just over 15 miles, with 4,137 feet of total climbing. The peak sits at 3,849 feet above sea level. It is the second highest mountain top in the Bay Area, and boasts that more of the earth's surface can be seen from it's peak mountain than any other peak in the world, except Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa. And I rode my bike to the top!

Then on Saturday I rode my bike over the Golden Gate Bridge. That old bridge has been a piece of my life ever since I was a child. Awe inspiring each time I crossed it. Countless times in a car. Once by foot (with my lovely wife on her 30th birthday), and now once (well, twice - it was a round trip) by bicycle. That day was a 40 mile training ride with Team in Training. We left Crissy Field, went over the bridge, up through Sausalito, Mill Valley, Corte Madera, Tiburon, and back. All while battling a cold that my dear son brought home from preschool... (not the recommended way...)

I'm not sure how I'll ever top this week of riding!

The totals:

Total miles: 104.2
Calories: 7,583
Assent: 6,300 ft.

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